Friday, August 7, 2020
Bens Sixth Semi-Annual QA
Bens Sixth Semi-Annual QA Answers to questions received through 2PM on 12/22/05 - Sendie wrote: If the last SAT scores I sent to MIT was November, do I have to send the December scores again or will collegeboard still be sending my December score? Im almost positive that you have to request that CollegeBoard send them to us, but for a definitive answer you should call the main office at 617.253.4791. - Steven wrote: Is there any way for deferred students to send supplementary essays online? You can email them to [emailprotected] Remember to include your full name and birthdate. - Lindsay wrote: I didnt realize that we could send January scores, so I wasnt planning on taking the SAT on January 28th. After seeing that we can send in our January scores, I would like to take the SAT again. I have already submitted my RD application, without filling in the SAT to be taken date. Who do I need to contact in order to change it so my January scores will successfully be matched to my account? If you tell CollegeBoard to send the scores to us, they will automatically go into your file. There is no need to give us a heads-up. - Prashant wrote: I know there are many different international schooling systems that you guys have to considerBut among indian school systems (Im sure you must be familiar with most of them) how highly do you rank the CBSE systemalsoi had a very high precentage in our class 10 public exam.but my transcripts dont reflect these (puts me at a disadvantage as both an 85 and a 100 are considered A+), so should i send in my official this is kind of considered to be a big achievement (highest rank in the middle east).and some how the application doesnt show that Although i got a very high precentage in my class 10 public exam..the top 10 in the whole of india, i guessit somehow doesnt show on my transcripts You should send us whatever will put your application into the best light. Youre also welcome to explain the details in one of the optional essays. - Adnan wrote: Can we remove optional essays from our EA application? No. Once youve submitted your application you can only add to it, not change or subtract any components. - Rafael wrote: How tall are you measured in smoots?? :) Im not sure about Smoots, but Im precisely 1.1 McGanns. - Csaba wrote: I am a foreign applicant from Romania. I took the ACT late October and got my result via snail mail early December. However, they dont appear on the mymit tracking section. Patience rocks is a good guideline here, I guess, but the SAT2 scores I just received online (->->quick) are already there! Now, is there some kind of a policy here that requires every student to either apply as a foreign student or as a regular applicant testwise? I have already taken the TOEFL and then perhaps you dont take my ACT (and my 3rd SAT2) scores into consideration? Or the ACT scores havent arrived yet? Just wondering. Thanks! Sounds like the ACT scores havent arrived yet for whatever reason. Regardless of the TOEFL, if you submitted ACT scores to us, they should show up in the app tracking portlet. I would call our office and try to talk to someone in the records room. - Sam wrote: I was deferred, and really do not like the essay I wrote. I know that the essay cannot be completely changed, but would it be beneficial to send in a new essay that I feel better explains who I am? Should I just leave it as is, and hope that it is good enough? Unfortunately thats going to have to be your call. I can tell you that any new essay you send will definitely be read and considered but make sure its really going to add something substantial to your app; otherwise its probably not worth the time. - Alex wrote: You mentioned on here that all accounts are terminated in late August, so if I am a junior right now, does that mean I have to sign up at MyMIT again if I wish to begin my application process next year? Does that mean that the earliest I can start is in August? (I like to get things done before schedule, esp because I am thinking of applying EA) Sorry, I should have been more clear and said: all accounts that designate the intended entry year as 2006 will be terminated - Sarah wrote: I know that you all say that scores arent as important, but I got a 440 on the SATII chem test. No, its not a joke, I got fourth percentile. To give me some credit I am currently in chemistry and physics so it was either fail at chem, phyisics or bio(which I last took in ninth grade). So will my horrible score count against me that much? Also, will it count against me if I am better at english than math? I know its a math and science school, and I love math, I just dont seem to do as well at it. Well, it wont *help* you, but one score by itself certainly wont keep you out of MIT. Mollie wrote that her boyfriend scored a 450 on one of his SATIIs and now hes a rocket scientist at MIT, so there you go. =) - Deferred EA Applicant wrote: For the Jan SAT test do you recommend taking the SATIIs again [take Math IC (score higher on practice tests) instead of IIC, (which didnt score so hot on 710) *OR* take the SATI for a higher Math score (didnt score so hot on that, too 670)? Which is more important in consideration for admission? I wouldnt say that one is more important than the other, but since you have a 710 on your SATII (which is a totally fine score) I would try to get your SATI Math over 700 as well if you can. There is no need to retake the SATII. - BT wrote: How does anyone know if youve visited a school before? Do you have to go on a tour? I dont think its possible to monitor everyone who walks in (although what do I know?), so I imagine itd either have to be recorded somewhere, or just self-stated. I never saw any such thing in the app, or any other app, and while MIT seems to be lax about this, some other schools which will go unnamed seem to care a bit more. A more relevant question if I want to send a web link as supplemental material, how should I go about doing it? We have no idea whos visited and who hasnt and we dont really care sure wed like for you to visit, but its not considered in your application. If other schools do care, it seems to me that it should be their responsibility to give you a way to record the visit in your file somehow. If they dont and youre worried about it, find a way to drop the hint in an essay: When I visited XXXXXX last fall, I really enjoyed meeting blah blah blah or somesuch. You can send a web link to [emailprotected] dont forget to include your full name and birthdate if you want it to go into your folder. - Enders side kick wrote: I spend about thirty hours a week in my CT High Schools theater building sets. I was wondering what the MIT Theaters offered in terms of back stage work for freshman. Also, are students allowed to bring power tools and keep them in their dorms? What are the carpentry opportunities at MIT? Because, to paraphrase Charleston Hesston, you can take my pneumatic stapler from my cold dead fingers. Technical theater is huge here, from what I understand. I dont know the specifics, but Id suggest asking this question in the student blogs. As for power tools, well, they seem to be everywhere, and thats a good thing. =) - Manisha wrote: In reference to the question about something Ive created, I wanted to talk about a painting I submitted for a charity art competition. But now I dont have it anymore. So I cant send a photo or a scanned version of it. Should I still describe it anyway? Sure, if you describe it well, I think that would be fine. - Prashant wrote: I was thinking of sending some c++ programs that I have made, on cd for you people to check out.. Unfortunately, I had trouble creating the requisite .exe files and as a result, Ive only sent one program on cd to you guys, along with the rest of the application material Since my cd is already sent is it ok, if I get my other programs ready and relay them to you via email? If Im not mistaken, our email system is set up to reject .exe attachments as they so often contain viruses. Youll need to send them in on another CD, or alternatively send an email describing the program(s) perhaps with screen shots. - Prashant wrote: Just curious, have you seen My Fair Lady starring audrey hepburn? Dont you think shes just too beautiful? Yes, and yes. :-) - Harish wrote: Can I fax my supplemental materials? If yes, Im assuming that the fax no. is on the application booklet. Can I have it here, though? My English teacher filled out my recommendation form, but my Science teacher gave me a letter instead. Is that okay? Should I get the letter attested by my school or USEFI or something? The fax number for supplemental materials is 617.258.8304. Letters are fine as long as they address the questions on our form. - Dhrubo wrote: Somebody posted about doing poorly in SAT 1 and you advised to take TOEFL. Well, my SAT scores are 670 (CR), 720 (Writing) and 780(Math L2). Also, I got perfect scores in SAT II Physics, Math L2 and Chemistry and a 780 in Biology-M. I just received my TOEFL result: I got a perfect score (300/300) in TOEFL CBT. Now, my question is: Should I retake SAT 1 in January to improve Writing and CR scores? Or is my perfect TOEFL equivalent to perfect SAT 1? Your TOEFL will be used instead of the SATI. Spend the time you would have used to retake the SATI doing something FUN! =) - Anonymous wrote: Hi!!! I just need a help. There was a mistake with my application fee because the fee waiver was selected by mistake,I realized that I was not eligible for fee waiver.I didnt know how to solve it so I created another account on MYMIT and then I paid the application fee with a credit card. The problem is that the SAT SCORE has been received in the oldest account. How can I solve this problem? Youll need to call the main office (617.253.4791) or write to [emailprotected] this will need to be corrected in the records system, which I unfortunately cant do.
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